Main Theme and Sub Themes

Main Theme

Nature-Friendly City and Sensitivity:

One of the main problems of the 21st century is urbanization, which is spreading globally. The increasing consumption of natural resources along with the growing population, diminished natural areas, and the completely human and production-oriented development are threatening the future of our planet. In these perspective, the word of “sensitivity” emphasizes the necessity of human attention to nature and natural life while the expression “Nature Friendly City” points to the new form that global urbanization should take. The theme aims to bring together countries and organizations to cooperate in building ‘A New Urban Concept After the Whole World Witnessed the Harsh Consequences of an Universal Pandemic: We are expecting the visitors will have a common ground to discuss ideas and develop common and sustainable solutions; and to build strong and lasting partnerships for a greener world.


  • Nature-Based Education for Children: The first principle of protecting the environment and ecological balance is to constitute a nature based education for children. The future of our lonely and beautiful planet depends on prioriting nature-based education.
  • Biophilic Design of Urban Renewal: In Latin language; “bio” means “life” and “biophilia” means “love of life’: “Biophilic Design” is an innovative way of designing the spaces where we live and work. It’s distinctive feature is to give essential priority to the nature.
  • Urban Horticulture and Local Food: The geographical location of Kahramanmaraş makes it the center of “Turkish Cuisine’: The unique and rich heritage of the national and local cuisine will be revaluated in the context of the urban horticulture.
  • The Wisdom of Simplicity: Increasing consumption of Earth’s limited resources, global warming that changes the rhythms of climate, ever expanding urbanization and a global mentality that only lives today and consumes the legacy of the past and the future on the other. In order to overcome this mentality, could the solution be the wisdom of simplicity pointed out by all the great religions?